Why Ephesians? The author of this letter in the Bible is Paul. He is writing to his audience from prison. He is alone and isolated from his core community, but he writes this letter with enthusiasm, it seems like he’s having a good day. This Bible study will help you be encouraged in the midst of suffering, isolation, and disconnection from community. Background Information
In this chapter, Paul continues to talk about all that God has done for us through Jesus. Here he especially focuses on the contrast that we used to be dead and actually following Satan, but now we are alive and have a living daily relationship with God. He also stresses that this is true simply because of our faith in what God did through Jesus for us. Our forgiveness was a gift offered to us – not something we earned – and not something we must continue to earn. We are free to simply follow Jesus and try to do the things God would want us to do, but know that even when we fail, God will still forgive us when we say we are sorry. Application What did you learn today? Write down a few thoughts you have about what you read. What questions do you have after reading and thinking? Is there anything you think God wants you to do based on what you read today? For what people or situations do you need to thank God today? For what people or situations do you need to ask God’s help today? Take time to talk to God about these things. (talk and listen) Ephesians Why Ephesians? The author of this letter in the Bible is Paul. He is writing to his audience from prison. He is alone and isolated from his core community, but he writes this letter with enthusiasm, it seems like he’s having a good day. This Bible study will help you be encouraged in the midst of suffering, isolation, and disconnection from community. Read Passage (Ephesians 1:15-23)
In the second half of this chapter, Paul tells the Ephesians that he keeps praying that God will enable them to see these blessings. In reading this chapter you see how clearly Paul saw God’s love and how this perspective gave him hope and joy in a life that could easily have been very discouraging. Prayer
Why Ephesians? The author of this letter in the Bible is Paul. He is writing to his audience from prison. He is alone and isolated from his core community, but he writes this letter with enthusiasm, it seems like he’s having a good day. This Bible study will help you be encouraged in the midst of suffering, isolation, and disconnection from community. Read Passage (Ephesians 1:1-14)
Paul simply reminds us of how blessed we are that God has done so much for us through Jesus. He especially stresses that this was God’s plan from before the beginning of the world (v 4,5,9,10,11). Prayer
AuthorMatt Michalowski & Archives
September 2023